What you should know about Wattyl Paint Centre Rockingham
Paint Shop in Rockingham
Wattyl has over 100 years of innovative experience manufacturing a wide range of high-performance paint and coatings products to protect and enhance homes, commercial buildings and landmarks. Wattyl has a large network with over 100 Wattyl Paint Centres across Australia and New Zealand. Their range of products include brands such as I.D Advanced, Solagard, Forestwood, Estapol, Killrust and Granosite covering interior, exterior, woodcare, texture, metal and specialty finish paints. Wattyl Australia and New Zealand is part of the Hempel Group, a world-leading supplier of trusted coating solutions Our purpose is to shape a brighter future with sustainable coating solutions. The Hempel Group is proudly owned by the Hempel Foundation.
DIY painting project advice, Paint colour matching, Paint colour tinting, Painting supplies & accessories, Trade painter services
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